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QCG Example 4

An example for the calculation of Solvation Free Energies with QCG.

Calculationg solvation free energies

The solvation free energy can be computed for any solute-solvent combination with QCG. Again, only input geometries are required. Let’s consider 1-pentanol in benzene. We provide the input coordinates and benzene.coord. The following call will initiate the solvation free energy computation.

crest --qcg benzene.coord --nsolv 25 --T 12 --gsolv --nclus 4 --fscal 0.65 --gbsa benzene

C          1.1956067224        0.3810439760        0.2749699821
C          2.6993267582        0.1988054806        0.4398058012
C          3.3048739621       -0.5930561241       -0.7170407712
C          4.8104223372       -0.7810968097       -0.5556226318
C          5.4141490570       -1.5692919510       -1.7184358828
O          6.7925871816       -1.8090235819       -1.5591217978
H          0.7847307317        0.9460737154        1.1083269558
H          0.6967141904       -0.5847813396        0.2356859339
H          0.9746565928        0.9171147501       -0.6455272552
H          2.9009463902       -0.3234896023        1.3776341886
H          3.1790981167        1.1786519338        0.4972352731
H          3.1045811920       -0.0710584163       -1.6560239285
H          2.8240160617       -1.5719984791       -0.7751608993
H          5.0195701758       -1.3132022816        0.3749761863
H          5.2956555541        0.1982438034       -0.4961001357
H          5.2241018357       -1.0388860571       -2.6640512701
H          4.9541986817       -2.5581683607       -1.7828096756
H          7.2421309110       -0.9635515651       -1.4497510164
  -13.87039726485370    2.82210248171752   -0.00000000000001      c
  -12.01481772929320    4.66684409238559    0.00000000000005      c
  -13.20059388975830    0.29275302437682   -0.00000000000006      c
  -15.84108693251735    3.35633820529181    0.00000000000002      h
  -9.48943548457286     3.98223577676367   -0.00000000000002      c
  -12.53750229368448    6.64062893972117    0.00000000000005      h
  -10.67521101562521   -0.39185500509649    0.00000000000005      c
  -14.64860105080699   -1.14679576913850   -0.00000000000008      h
  -8.81963207801176     1.45288625624259    0.00000000000002      c
  -8.04142898121708     5.42178558198453   -0.00000000000009      h
  -6.84894223900865     0.91865045782779   -0.00000000000001      h
  -10.15253022931515   -2.36564093901184    0.00000000000007      h
       |                                            |
       |                 C R E S T                  |
       |                                            |
       |  Conformer-Rotamer Ensemble Sampling Tool  |
       |          based on the GFN methods          |
       |             P.Pracht, S.Grimme             |
       |          Universitaet Bonn, MCTC           |
       Version 2.11, Mon 19. Apr 11:43:20 CEST 2021
  Using the xTB program. Compatible with xTB version 6.4.0

   Cite work conducted with this code as

   P. Pracht, F. Bohle, S. Grimme, PCCP, 2020, 22, 7169-7192.

   and  S. Grimme, JCTC, 2019, 15, 2847-2862.

   with help from:
   C.Bannwarth, F.Bohle, S.Ehlert, S.Grimme,
   C. Plett, P.Pracht, S. Spicher

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 Command line input:
 > crest --qcg benzene.coord -nsolv 25 -T 12 -gsolv -nclus 4 -fscal 0.65 -gbsa benzene

 Solvent-file: benzene.coord
  -T 12 (CPUs/Threads selected)
  Use of GFN-FF for ensemble search requested.
  Use of GFN-FF for frequency computation requested.
  --gbsa benzene : implicit solvation
  -mdtime 10 (MD length in ps)

  |           ----------------           |
  |                 Q C G                |
  |           ----------------           |
  |        Quantum Cluster Growth        |
  |       University of Bonn, MCTC       |
   S. Grimme, S. Spicher, C.Plett, unpublished.

  |   quantum cluster growth: INPUT       |

  QCG: Calculation of delta G_solv
  Ensemble generated via CREST

  input parameters
  solute                 :
  charge                 : 0
  uhf                    : 0
  solvent                : benzene.coord
  # of solvents to add   : 25
  # of cluster generated : 4
  # of CPUs used         : 12
  Solvation model        : benzene
  xtb opt level          : normal
  System temperature [K] : 298.0
  RRHO scaling factor    : 0.65

 Solute geometry
  molecular radius (Bohr**1):    6.52
  molecular area   (Bohr**2):  651.12
  molecular volume (Bohr**3): 1159.46
 Solvent geometry
  molecular radius (Bohr**1):    6.06
  molecular area   (Bohr**2):  516.08
  molecular volume (Bohr**3):  931.74

  radius of solute    :    10.51
  radius of solvent   :     9.77

  |            Preoptimization            |

 xTB Geometry Optimization
 Geometry successfully optimized.
 Generating LMOs for solute
  Total Energy of solute:     -20.8872146 Eh

 xTB Geometry Optimization
 Geometry successfully optimized.
 Generating LMOs for solvent
  Total energy of solvent:    -15.8796407 Eh


  __________________     Solute Cluster Generation   _____________________


  |   quantum cluster growth: GROW        |

  |   quantum cluster growth: ENSEMBLE    |


  _________________     Solvent Cluster Generation   _____________________


 Method for CFF: GFN2-xTB

  |   quantum cluster growth: CFF         |

  CUT-FREEZE-FILL Algorithm to generate reference solvent cluster
  now adding solvents to fill cluster...
  Size  Cluster   E /Eh        De/kcal   Detot/kcal  Opt
  adding solvent is repulsive for cluster: 1
  previous cluster taken...
  26       2   -413.211286     -2.24       -2.24    tight
  26       3   -413.210426     -3.44       -3.44    tight
  26       4   -413.216554     -7.37       -7.37    tight
  volume filled
  Starting optimizations + SP  of structures
  4 jobs to do.


  Cluster   E /Eh        Density  Efix       R   av/act. Surface   Opt
    1      -397.332086   1.067    0.000     0.0   0.0     5955.5   tight
    2      -397.318544   1.060    0.000     0.0   0.0     6373.5   tight
    3      -397.317717   1.057    0.000     0.0   0.0     6591.9   tight
    4      -397.323610   1.058    0.000     0.0   0.0     6433.2   tight

  Boltz. averaged energy of final cluster:
       G /Eh     : -397.33208567
       T*S /kcal :  -0.001

  Solvent cluster generation finished.
  Results can be found in solvent_cluster directory
  Structures on file ''
  Energies on file 'cluster_energy.dat'
  Population on file 'population.dat'

  |   quantum cluster growth: ESOLV       |
  |                                       |
  |           -10.21 kcal/mol             |

  |          Frequency evaluation         |

 Method for CFF: GFN-FF
  Starting reoptimizations + Frequency computation of ensemble
  1 jobs to do.

  Starting reoptimizations + Frequency computation of ensemble
  4 jobs to do.

  Starting reoptimizations + Frequency computation of ensemble
  4 jobs to do.


   Solute Gas properties
  #       H(T)       SVIB      SROT       STRA      G(T)
       [kcal/mol]    [      cal/mol/K        ]    [kcal/mol]
      108.59     20.37     27.20     39.32     82.68

   Solute cluster properties
  #       H(T)       SVIB      SROT       STRA      G(T)
       [kcal/mol]    [      cal/mol/K        ]    [kcal/mol]
  1     1794.49    762.14     44.60     48.69   1539.44
  2     1794.49    763.02     44.55     48.69   1539.19
  3     1794.21    766.70     44.64     48.69   1537.80
  4     1794.06    761.65     44.61     48.69   1539.16

   Solvent cluster properties
  #       H(T)       SVIB      SROT       STRA      G(T)
       [kcal/mol]    [      cal/mol/K        ]    [kcal/mol]
  1     1683.97    718.09     44.20     48.55   1442.21
  2     1683.88    721.14     44.26     48.55   1441.20
  3     1683.17    730.73     44.55     48.55   1437.54
  4     1683.61    722.85     44.32     48.55   1440.40


  _________________________     Evaluation    ____________________________


  Gsolv and Hsolv ref. state: [1 M gas/solution]
  G_solv (incl.RRHO)      =    3.65 kcal/mol
  H_solv (incl.RRHO)      =   -7.64 kcal/mol

  Gsolv and Hsolv ref. state: [1 M gas/solution]
  G_solv (incl.RRHO)      =    1.75 kcal/mol
  H_solv (incl.RRHO)      =   -9.54 kcal/mol

  Solvation free energies with scaled translational
  and rotational degrees of freedom: Gsolv (scaling)
          >>    -16.93 (0.05)    <<
          >>    -15.95 (0.10)    <<
          >>    -14.97 (0.15)    <<
          >>    -13.98 (0.20)    <<
          >>    -13.00 (0.25)    <<
          >>    -12.01 (0.30)    <<
          >>    -11.03 (0.35)    <<
          >>    -10.05 (0.40)    <<
          >>     -9.06 (0.45)    <<
          >>     -8.08 (0.50)    <<
          >>     -7.10 (0.55)    <<
          >>     -6.11 (0.60)    <<
          >>     -5.13 (0.65)    <<
          >>     -4.15 (0.70)    <<
          >>     -3.16 (0.75)    <<
          >>     -2.18 (0.80)    <<
          >>     -1.20 (0.85)    <<
          >>     -0.21 (0.90)    <<
          >>      0.77 (0.95)    <<
          >>      1.75 (1.00)    <<

  |  Gsolv with SCALED RRHO contributions: 0.75    |
  |  [1 bar gas/ 1 M solution]                     |
  |                                                |
  |  G_solv (incl.RRHO)+dV(T)=   -5.13 kcal/mol    |

 Wall Time Summary
             test MD wall time :         0h : 0m :13s
                 MTD wall time :         0h :39m : 3s
      multilevel OPT wall time :         0h :46m :35s
                  MD wall time :         5h :23m :24s
                 CFF wall time :         0h :16m : 7s
         Frequencies wall time :         0h : 1m :48s
Overall wall time  : 7h : 7m :12s

 CREST terminated normally.

The call will cause the grow algorithm to start with subsequent ensemble generation. In addition to the solute-solvent ensemble also a pure solvent ensemble will be created from the solute-solvent ensemble. These reference clusters can be found in the directory solvent_ensemble.

The number of clusters that are considered for the solvation free energy were set to 4 with --nclus 4. This reduces the computational costs as only four reference clusters are computed and only 4 frequency calculations are performed per ensemble. Therefore, only the 4 energetically best clusters are written to

The solvation free energy for 1-pentanol in benzene at the given scaling factor can be read from the output. Additionally, the results for some other scaling factors are also provided.

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Copyright © 2022-2024 Philipp Pracht.

CREST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.