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MECP Optimization

Optimization of a benzene MECP with GFN2-xTB


Optimization of a benzene MECP with GFN2-xTB

A specialized new feature of CREST 3 is the mixing of two potential energy surfaces with an additional bias potential to find minimum energy crossing points, as described in DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00578. It can be called via the new input file reader , e.g., for the GFN2-xTB S0/T1 MECP of benzene:

crest --input input.toml
 C          1.3830400000       -0.2213700000        0.0054100000
 C          0.8812100000        1.0799600000        0.0137400000
 C         -0.4965300000        1.2961400000        0.0106300000
 C         -1.3728900000        0.2109800000       -0.0044700000
 C         -0.8710300000       -1.0904600000       -0.0146100000
 C          0.5067700000       -1.3067000000       -0.0079300000
 H          2.4566500000       -0.3899700000        0.0090900000
 H          1.5639800000        1.9254500000        0.0228700000
 H         -0.8876100000        2.3099700000        0.0197800000
 H         -2.4463500000        0.3796100000       -0.0082500000
 H         -1.5536800000       -1.9359000000       -0.0272900000
 H          0.8977800000       -2.3206600000       -0.0132700000
#This is a CREST input file
input = ''

threads = 4

#calculation data
type = -1   # specify energy & gradient from [calculation.level] to be used
            # -1 is for MECPs
eprint = true

method = "xtb"
binary = "xtb"
uhf = 0  # GFN2-xTB S0 state
flags = "--gfn 2 --grad"
dir = 's0'

method = "xtb"
binary = "xtb"
uhf = 2  # GFN2-xTB T1 state
dir = 's1'
flags = "--gfn 2 --grad"

gapdiff2 = [10.0, 0.005, 0.25]  #bias parameter to minimize the gap, [10, 0.005, 0.25] is ok for most molecules

The optimization trajectory (written to crestopt.log) will look like something in the following. Notice that the gap minimization between the two states (shown in red) is the initial driving force of the procedure.

Benzene MECP optimization
Optimization of the GFN2-xTB S0/T1 MECP for benzene, starting from the ground state structure.

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CREST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.